Άλφα. The first of all necessities. The first sound, articulation. Upon the heart, the first sound of the child. Most significant. Dominant position.
Βήτα. A measurement of risk. The means of the voice. A variable. Coefficient. The crux of the sequence. An awakening surge of energy.
Λάμβδα. Emptiness. Subatomic. Axiomatic logic. The shield of the region and military alliance. Isometric, equality on all sides. A constant. A wavelength that displays intrinsic growth, exponentially rising. The longitude of a location. An engine. - α.
Νυ. Freedom. Space. Coefficient. The true anomaly, the angular parameter, a body in orbit; the orbital elemental. - α.
Θήτα. The soul. Cosmos. Helios. The meaning behind death. - ανα, reborn, rebirth.
Ablanathanalba: the mystical principle of authority.