The Artifice of ORIANO

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selective focus photography of grey link
The Artifice of ORIANO, the empirical science.


1.1 ORIANO is an absolute conceptual ambition! An ideal is actual.

1.2 ORIANO is the force or energy, the power of sanctity, that regenerates the self.

1.3 ORIANO unifies: it is the dynamic of singularity at the heart of existence.

1.4 ORIANO is a force that is personal, a sacrosanct power of concentration.

1.5 ORIANO is the spirit of meaningfulness.

1.6 ORIANO is the sacred sign, the form of manifest divinity and the ideation of Love.

1.7 ORIANO regenerates the self, a process of the endless cosmos (a procession).

1.8 ORIANO shapes, encompasses and permeates.

1.9 ORIANO generates by and through its process an endless moment.

1.0 The aspect of oneness is ORIANO.



2.1 ORIANO is identical to everything and everything is identical to ORIANO.

2.2 ORIANO is a totality of unification:

it is the Soul of Union. The dichotomy is transcended ultimately. The Soul of Union is the universal dialectic.

2.3 The contents of the cosmos are unified by ORIANO: it is the universal force of life, the all encompassing singularity.

2.4 ORIANO is the transcendental immanence of the metaphysical upholder of the symbolic order.

2.5 Nothing in existence can exhaust the transcendence of ORIANO.

2.6 Creation holds the existence of the universal immanence of ORIANO.

2.7 ORIANO is subject to transmutation, becoming and movement through its procession.

2.8 ORIANO is never static: it is the movement, change and flux of energy.

2.9 ORIANO constitutes and provides regularity, rhythm and balance.

2.0 ORIANO is identical to, in form and in substance, to the contents of the cosmos.



3.1 The structure and order of being cannot be considered as lasting: instead, transition and instability characterize the cosmos. Yet, regularity and the pattern of endurance characterize ORIANO.

3.2 ORIANO contains the polarities that are interdependent, the universal creation of alternation, the dialectical

endlessness of both balance and immanence.

3.3 ORIANO is the sacred dynamic of centrality.

3.4 ORIANO is an oscillation of endlessness which constitutes the shaping of energy.

3.5 Becoming characterizes ORIANO: a dynamic procession.

3.6 ORIANO is unordered, yet, neither anarchic nor law-governed.

3.7 ORIANO is not predicated upon its manifold dualities.

3.8 ORIANO is both orderly and disorderly, simultaneously alive and dead.

3.9 The dichotomies of ORIANO are transcended by its third estate.

3.0 ORIANO is a totality, seamlessly unordered and unstructured essentially.



4.1 ORIANO is expressed by the noumenon, in the same way that speech is expressed by the phenomenon.

4.2 The metaphysics of ORIANO is indeterminate ontologically and radically.

4.3 A unity of interrelation and an all- inclusive constitution encompasses the existence of everything.

4.4 ORIANO is a sacred unity.

4.5 The sacredness of ORIANO is one and is identical in substance to everything in existence.

4.6 ORIANO is identical to existence and reality in all its aspects and forms which makes ORIANO one.

4.7 ORIANO is the sacred.

4.8 ORIANO is the totality of universal divinity.

4.9 The cosmos and its contents are, in substance and in form, identical to ORIANO.

4.0 ORIANO presents itself primarily as the ceaseless, cyclical oscillation of polar yet complimentary opposites.



5.1 The Syzygy is the Dialectical Monad.

5.2 The Syzygy, at the inception of the Twenty First Century, characterizes the ceaseless becoming of the cosmos. Opposites that are complementary in polarity oscillate cyclically and ceaselessly, primarily through the presence of ORIANO.

5.3 The universe is arranged by momentary movements of diversity. The Syzygy can dominate alternately, divide in polarity, be complementary in mutuality, interdepend contrarily, and oppose endlessly.

5.4 The Syzygy remains unresolved endlessly, alternating its duality perpetually.

5.5 The Syzygy is the binary duality of ORIANO.

5.6 The universe is arranged momentarily by movement and diversity, it is divided by polarity, existing in complimentary mutuality and interdependent opposition.

5.7 The Monad imposes divisions and boundaries upon the unified whole.

5.8 We reach the state of ORIANO by union with the One.

5.9 ORIANO produced One. One produced Two: Monad produced Dyad. Two produced Three: Dyad produced Triad. Triad produced All things.

5.0 Duality, the Dyad, is a preeminent aspect of the presence and process of ORIANO.



6.1 Duality, which is among the preeminent aspects of multiplicity, itself is present in the process of ORIANO.

6.2 The Dyad includes: active and passive; masculine and feminine; darkness and light; life and death; order and disorder; being and non-being; hot and cold; dry and wet.

6.3 ORIANO manifests manifold polarities, all of which oscillate dialectically and cyclically, unendingly and consistently in the recreational activity of the cosmos.

6.4 Essential unity is that of complimentary polarity.

6.5 Experience and perception are located

at opposite ends of the spectrum of the polarity of duality, yet they remain united transcendentally.

6.6 Freedom comes first on the path of evolution towards Union, to which fellowship and equality are in submission.

6.7 ORIANO provokes an ellipsis of solipsism.

6.8 ORIANO causes solipsistic soteriology through which the call of our name is our salvation from our personal subjectivity.

6.9 The metaphysics of ORIANO claims that you are. Everything that you think that you are is everything that you perceive: the quality of the object and the quality of the subject. To say that you think that you are the light because you perceive the light is to have a mystical experience of the light. Yet it is the quality of the light that you perceive through the experience of the light.

6.0 The ethics of ORIANO is Eudaimonia and its principal virtue is beauty. The personification of beauty flourishes. You are the incarnation of beauty.



7.1 Vacancy breathes harmony and brightness embraces obscurity.

7.2 ORIANO constitutes and provides regularity, rhythm and balance.

7.3 The one constant is change.

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Existence Exploration

Embrace evolution, diversity, introspection, uncover truths about universe and transformation.

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